Set custom member questions
By default My Fitness Class provides basic form fields (eg. Name, Email etc) for instructors to capture member details. My Fitness Class also makes it possible for instructors to create additional form fields for capturing additional data items. One example of how this might be useful is to create Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) for your participants to complete. This can be achieved by following the following steps...
- Once logged into the dashboard navigate to Settings -> Member
- Once here you will see the basic form fields that are provided by My Fitness Class. You can set which items you would like to turn on.
- Custom questions can be defined by creating 'custom data'. Click on '+ Add custom data' to create your first item.
- You will then be presented with a short form for creating the custom data question.
- Custom data text - the question or data item you want to collect. eg. Do you suffer from any medical conditions?
- Data type - the is the type of value that can be supplied in response to the supplied
question/data item
- Text - provides a single text box for free form answers
- Number - provides field that only accepts numeric answers
- Tick - simple tick box
- Yes/No - specific yes or no answer only.
- Default value - is some cases you might want to default the answer to a specific value, enter that value here.
- Click the add button and you should see it appear on the list. Existing custom data items can be edited/removed using the pencil/trash button respectively.
Make sure to save your changes using the 'Save' button
Once you have added and saved your custom data items they will appear in the member form on the app when you edit/create a member. You can also set individualy, whether custom quesitons are mandatory for participants to fill in prior to booking onto a class. Details of how this can be set can be found in Setup online booking system