How to create a class pass
Class passes are used to enable participants the option of buying upfront for a number of classes in one go, usually at a discounted rate, compared to the 'Pay as You Go' option (or Class Cost as labelled in class settings).
- To create a new class pass navigate to Settings -> Class Passes, and make sure enable class passes is turned on.
- Click on 'Add Class Pass' to create a new class for use in your classes
- You will then be presented with the relevant fields to complete.
- Pass name - the name that this pass will be known by. If you have enabled booking this is the name that will be shown the participant when they buy online.
- Purchase price - this is the cost for purchasing the class pass.
- No. class uses - this is the number of times the pass can be used.
- No. days valid - this is optional, and should be the number of days from purchase that the pass is valid for.
- Save & Close the popup and the new class pass should now appear in the list.
- Created class passes can be edited or deleted entirely using the pencil or trash icon.